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Travel Guidebooks & Online Resources

Most travelers we know salivate when they get to the “travel” section of any bookstore – and we include ourselves in that category. When you’re planning a trip, you can’t get enough of travel guide books, travel stories, and maps. And when you’re between trips, the same books and resources can keep you sane until you can get back on the road again yourself. That’s where this section comes in.

What you’ll find in this section is a whole host of online travel resources that we use and love, as well as some recommendations for travel guidebooks and travel blogs. We’ve also listed a few of our favorite online travel communities and travel message boards so you can stay engaged with the travel community even when you’re stuck in one place for awhile. We’ve paid particular attention to online resources here (travel books aside), because this way you can come back to them and use them even while you’re on your trip – without having to haul half the library with you.

If you notice a glaring gap in what we’ve got featured in this section, please drop us a note and tell us about it!